Our Mission 우리의 사명

Healing Home is the culmination of something that God laid on our hearts back in September of 2018 when we were in Thailand.  Healing Camp (Thailand, Japan, and Bolivia) as they were called brought together missionary couples from all parts of the world for a three-day retreat of healing.  This is where God used our own story of healing to minister to other couples.

What are our qualifications for Healing Home, you say?  Truthfully, God’s grace and mercy!!!   And also gleanings from His school of higher learning and refining after 15 years of licensed counseling for my wife and 30 years of ministry for me.

What is our mission?  Our desire is to invite missionary couples as well as other couples in need of healing in every sense of the word to our Healing Home, to offer counseling, coaching, and to serve them with “Alabaster Jar” extravagance (please read story below).

힐링 홈의 사역은 2018년 저희가 태국으로 힐링 캠프(선교사님 부부들을 대상으로 한)를 하러 갈때부터 저희 마음에 주신 비젼입니다. 그 후에도 저희는 일본과 볼리비아 등의 나라들을 방문하며 선교사님들을 상대로 힐링캠프 로 섬겨드릴 수 있는 기회가 있었습니다. 바로 힐링캠프를 통해서 저희는 하나님께서 저희들의 간증으로 선교사님 부부들을 치료하시는 것들을 경험해 왔습니다. 

그럼 저희들이 어떠한 자격을 가지고 이런 사역을 하는 것인지 궁금하시죠? 솔직히 말씀드리면 하나님의 은혜와 긍휼하심에 의한 것이라고 밖에는 말씀드릴 수가 없을 것 같습니다. 저희 소개를 하자면 제 와이프(임상 목회학 상담 박사)는 지난 13년간 라이센스 카운셀러로 일해왔고 저는 30년 간의 목회경험 정도라고 말씀드릴 수 있겠습니다. 

저희 사역은 세계 여러나라에서 섬기시는 선교사님들(무료)부부 들을 모셔서 결혼생활가운데 일어날 수 있는 어려움들을 들어 드리고 기도와 말씀으로 상담해 드리고 또 아름다운 힐링홈에서 편히 쉬시면서 주님의 힐링을 경험하시도록 섬겨드리는 것을 하고자 합니다. 

Become Partners

We are asking some of you to become monthly supporters for the upkeep costs at Healing Home. Our goal is to raise enough partners meet the ongoing expenses incurred every month. And to pay for all the expenses minus the airfare for our missionary couples. Prayerfully consider how God might use you to become one of our partners.

Become Partners/Sponsors

We know times are tough. For those of you who are on a tight budget, we are asking some of you to become sponsors for a one time donation to offset expenses for the missionary couples who will visit Healing Home.

Become Prayer Intercessors

We are asking all of you to be our prayer intercessors. Spiritual warfare is a reality and more so for couples going through marital issues. Without your prayers, we are left to our own devices for a breakthrough that can only be possible through your intercessory prayers. We solicit and covet your prayers. Prayers are something Healing Home can’t do without!

힐링홈 사역에 함께 기도로 동참해주세요!

부부사이의 갈등과 어려움에는 많은 영적전쟁이 포함되어 있습니다. 짧은 시간안에 커플들에게 효과적인 사역을 하기 위해서는 여러분들의 중보기도가 절실히 필요합니다. 전선에서 힐링홈 사역을 하는 것은 저희 부부 뿐이지만 여러분들의 기도없이 오랜동안 사단이 장악해온 깨어지고 속아진 부분과 심리적인 사각지대까지 드러내는것을 단시간에 해결 한다는 것은 불가능한 일입니다. 힐링홈은 선교사님 커플이 도착하기 전에 미리 질문지를 보내 두분의 어려움과 고민을 듣고 중보기도를 먼저 시작하면서 실질적이고 집중적인 사역을 하려고 합니다. 이메일주소를 보내주시면 사역상황과 동시에 기도제목을 보내드리도록 하겠습니다.

힐링홈의 재정 후원자가 되어 주세요!

매달 헌금으로 후원하기 힘드신 분들께는 한번의 헌금으로 힐링홈의 스폰서가 되어주셨으면 합니다. 하지만 힐링홈의 사역을 관리하고 효과적인 계획을 하기 위해서는 매달 정기적인 후원자가 되어 주셨으면 합니다.

”Alabaster Jar”Extravagance!

Isaac, a missionary serving in humble surroundings of Bolivia couldn’t believe that my wife and I paid our own airfare and plus the costs to host all the missionaries that came to Healing Camp.  Granted that we didn’t cover all the expenses, but a team from Sarang Church in Korea and others hosting the event, including us paid for ALL of it.  He thought for some reason Sarang Church, one of the largest church in Korea, paid for all for the lodging, food, and gifts.  And we didn’t skimp out.  Everything was done with a balance of frugality and extravagance.  We wanted to treat them to the best.  On the last night at my wife’s behest, we took Isaac and his wife to one of the upper scale hotels on the other side of town of the “haves.”  We realized even in an impoverished country like Bolivia, people with money could frequent the hotel we went to.  No, we weren’t staying there.  On our budget?  Please…  No, we went there to buy this couple dessert.  Me, the consummate calculating type became fixated on the cost.  My wife she wanted to buy them the best and the final tally showed.  She had the plastic and that’s all that mattered to her even when debt from our trip was mounting.  That’s my wife!

Once again, Isaac and his wife couldn’t believe that we would extend such a gesture.  With tears rolling down her cheeks, Isaac’s wife told us that was the most expensive dessert anyone has ever treated them to.  To this day, they haven’t forgotten and Isaac still sends me texts after nearly three years have gone by.

Jesus didn’t forget when the woman of ill repute came to Him and poured perfume all over Jesus’ head and feet.  Perfume in an alabaster jar worth a year’s wages poured over hair and FEET?  60 to 70k worth- by today’s wages- of ointment for one occasion?  But Jesus was so touched by this irrational generosity that He told His disciples to never forget this act!

My wife and I believe that these men and women who have served sacrificially and humbly on the mission fields all over the world are worthy of “alabaster jar” extravagance as ambassadors and body of our Lord Jesus.  They are worthy of it! That is our desire at Healing Home to serve with “alabaster jar” extravagance.